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Russia World

Names Search Analyzer

Trivial as it seems to look for some information about a person by entering his or her name, it often proves tricky: instead of finding the person needed, we stumble upon his famous namesakes.

One of the most persistent search engine mistakes is to make a mixture of names and surnames (like splitting 'Richard Shakespeare' into 'Richard III' and 'William Shakespeare'), so the queries in the analyzer were chosen with a view to making such results more probable. We only used the names of some real people we found on the web, but their surnames either coincided with those of some hot media personalities, or were in some other ways non-standard and difficult for a search engine to find.
Two weeks | Month | Half year | Year | All
53.5 ▲0.3
31.1 ▼0.4
  • 90−100%
  • 80−90%
  • 60−80%
  • 40−60%
  • 20−40%
  • 0−20%
June 16 31.1 53.5
June 15 31.5 53.2
June 14 32.8 54.9
June 13 32.7 53.8
June 12 31.7 52.0
June 11 32.0 53.0
June 10 32.1 51.6
June 09 34.1 51.3
June 08 33.4 52.0
June 07 33.9 52.8
June 06 34.2 51.9
June 05 35.0 52.1
June 04 35.3 52.4
June 03 35.6 52.0