Obscene Language Analyzer
The Analyzer checks the presence and the quantity of obscene words on the pages found by the search engines in response to neutral queries (those that do not contain and do not suppose the response to contain obscenities). The default value is with "Safe search" on, meaning normally the result should be zero, the measurements with ordinary search options are also available.
There are two indicators in the analyzer. The simple indicator calculates the number of pages, found by the Search Engine, that contain at least one obscene word in it's regular or masked form (as the law doesn't make a difference, given the word is easily recognized).
The default indicator is more informative: it shows the quantity of the obscene words in the pages found. Each word, shown clearly, is worth 3 points, while a masked one is worth 1. The points are summed for all the pages found to give the result of the search engine for a specific query. The mean value for all queries is then calculated to form the analyzer indicator for a given search engine.
The recognition of obscene words is performed by the automatic service
"Semantic Mirror".
- 0−1%
- 1−2%
- 2−4%
- 4−6%
- 6−8%
- 8−10%