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Analyzer of the SafeSearch Quality

SafeSearch is a filter that is supposed to block the «adult only» websites from appearing in the search results. Nowadays most search engines allow their users to filter the results in this way. But does SafeSearch do its job well enough?

This analyzer collects search results for ambiguous queries which may be interpreted as targeting a certain category of pornography, but also admit other interpretations. The question is whether SafeSearch effectively filters out the adult responses in such cases.
Two weeks | Month | Half year | Year | All
Erotic | Erotic+Obscene | Obscene
The lower the better
1.5 ▲0.1
  • 0−1%
  • 1−2%
  • 2−4%
  • 4−6%
  • 6−8%
  • 8−10%
July 27 1.5 2.2
July 26 1.6 2.2
July 25 1.4 2.3
July 24 1.3 2.4
July 23 1.3 2.1
July 22 0.9 2.1
July 21 1.2 2.1
July 20 1.3 2.4
July 19 1.4 2.5
July 18 1.1 2.3
July 17 1.1 2.2
July 16 1.3 1.6
July 15 1.3 2.3
July 14 1.4 2.1