Analyzer of Regional Search
When a user from Ufa or Novosibirsk enters the query "pizza delivery", he or she is most likely looking to get some pizza. The websites of companies offering pizza delivery in Moscow would probably be of no use to the user since it does not make sense to deliver pizza from Moscow to Novosibirsk.
In this analyzer, we query the search engines from different cities across Russia. We select the search engine results for which the title, snippet or URL clearly mentions the location from where the query was sent. We only evaluate the information available as part of SERP's because this is all that the regional users see when they make decisions as to whether they want to follow a link to a given webpage found in SE results.
The percentage of responses to queries averaged over all cities except Moscow is taken to be a good estimate of how friendly the search engine is to the regional users.
This analyzer embraces both the queries which are clearly asking for a regional service ("order glasses", "chinese food delivery") and the queries which imply a search for some local information ("drug store prices", "medical exam when pregnant")
- 90−100%
- 80−90%
- 60−80%
- 40−60%
- 20−40%
- 0−20%