Overall Search Quality
This rating helps to assess the overall quality of search for each search engine. It is based on the results of all the special analyzers, the analyzers of 'Clicks' and 'Updates' being excluded, since their results have a purely informational value.
The overall rating is calculated as follows:
1) For each special analyzer, the search engines' scores are normalized to 100 with respect to the best score. This is done in order to eliminate the differencies between the scoring scales of various analyzers.
2) For each analyzer, the normalized search engine scores are multiplied by the specific coefficient assigned to that analyzer. These coefficients reflect our understanding of how important the given feature / type of search is for the overall search quality. If in your opinion some search features have more or less merit for the overall search, please feel free to adjust the coefficients of the corresponding analyzers by moving the sliders on top of this page. Once you adjust the weights, the overall search quality scores will be recalculated.
3) Thereafter the numbers obtained are added up and divided by the sum of the coefficients. This operation yields a number in the range between 1 and 100 that represents the overall search quality of the search engine.