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Russia World

Navigational Search Analyzers

The analyzers in this group make an estimation of the search engine's navigational functioning. Different kinds of queries are used to check, whether or not the site / page in question is found on the first result page.
Two weeks | Month | Half year | Year | All

Navigational Queries

96.5 ▲0.5
95.3 ▲0.4

The quality of navigational search

The quality of peripheral navigation

70.9 ▼1
65.1 ▲0.3

Quality of search for internal pages

Quality of regional navigational search

69.7 ▼0.5
68.4 ▲0.6

Quality of person search


Quality of blog search

63.0 ▲1.0
51.0 ▼2

Social Network Navigation Quality

73.0 ▲2.0